Diri Di sebalik Nama

N - is a very good kisser too!
U - is loved by everyone
R - funny

A - crazy
I - is really sweet & romantic
N - is a very good kisser too!

I - is really sweet & romantic
F - loves people wild and crazy adore you
F - loves people wild and crazy adore you
A - crazy
H - stick to one

Hmm... kalau nak tau, tu lah diri di sebalik nama saya... korang nak wat camnie x??? ala senang je... http://apps.facebook.com/playname/index.php korang klik kat url tue.... nanti kuar ar... nak tau x,, sye dah pandai wat blockquotes.. nie sume hasil tunjuk ajar dari akak ceera... dia memang banyak wat tutorial... ni link blog dye... kowang rajin2 lah pergi ye...http://c33ram00n.blogspot.com/ klik lah kat link tu ye.... bye!


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